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Welcome to art on the Avenues

We’re a group of artists that love to blog about art, technology, and everything else. On this page, you will find a collection of our latest articles and links to the best content on the web. We hope you enjoy our posts!

What makes a good artist

There are many things that make a good artist, but we are going to focus on the four most important factors.


Drawing skills

Drawing skills are paramount to any artist because you need to know how to make a good-looking drawing.


The content of the artwork

A good artist makes sure that the drawing is layered with meaning and significance in the form of imagery, symbolism, narrative, or metaphorical content.


Inspiration and creativity

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About OUR studio

Our art studio is where kids can come and express themselves in a fun environment. The studio will offer different projects and mediums for students to experience.

Our school’s primary focus is to spread the culture of art education, advance the level of art education, create more opportunities for children to participate in arts, and enhance the advancement of modern education.

Our Latest Posts

What is Breast Augmentation?

woman wearing orange sweater

Hey, have you ever thought about enhancing your bust size or shape? If so, you’re in the right place. Let’s have a chat about Breast augmentation and how it can make you feel more confident and comfortable in your skin. We’ll break…

“ Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy.”

- Albert Einstein